Every Door Direct Mail is your next best Target Marketing tool. Find a simple and cost-effective way to target your local market directly with Every Door Direct Mail or EDDM. This is a Target Marketing strategy that will allow you to reach the right market for your business. With Every Door Direct Mail, you are able to deliver your advertisements through postcard-like mail to every doorstep in a targeted location.
You can reach up to a thousand customers per day with the Every Door Direct Mail service with minimal effort. Most Every Door Direct Mail services do not need and postage permits, and specific names and addresses. Once you determine your target market, it simply becomes a matter of finding the right way to market it to them. Every Door Direct Mail service may be the target marketing solution you need in order to maximize your market in a specific location.
Here are quick steps to starting your Every Door Direct Mail process
1. Reach Out
Reach out to your preferred Mailing Service provider.
This is important because you will need to know the basic requirements of the mailing service provider. They may have a specific size preference, weight preference, or minimum quantity preference. Get to know your mailing service provider’s limitations too. Some service providers may not cater to the location you want to target.
Remember, you are the owner of your business and you want what best fits your business objective. As the owner, your job is to tie your goal with the necessary parties that will help you reach that goal. At the end of the day, you have to be very strategic when it comes to finding the right service provider to deliver all your EDDM. You have to find what works for your business and rule out what doesn’t.
2. Win them with a Captivating Design
Once you know the exact specifications of your mailing service provider, you may now begin to design. First things first: create a design and layout that fits the sizing specifications of your service provider.
Sizes offered are usually postcard size (6.5”x9?), oversized postcards (8.5” x11”), and tri-fold menus (4.25”x14”). Choose the right size that can fit all the information you want to announce and share with your market. Sometimes, you don’t need to put too much information, but rather, you want to focus on having a captivating design that will draw immediate attention.
Frankly speaking, Every Door Direct Mails are usually overlooked by other businesses attempting this marketing strategy or rather more important and personal mail addressed to them. That is why design must stand out.
Hire a graphic designer, use vibrant colors, and use clear and pronounced text fonts that will draw interest to your target market. On average, a person can receive about 10 envelopes per day in their mailbox and these can also come from your competitors as well testing out target marketing strategies like Every Door Direct Mail.
3. Print Quality
The design of your Every Door Direct Mail will be most effective when hand in hand with the right print service company like AK Prints.
Their quality printing service will ensure your design stands out even more with pristine prints. To make a lasting impact, professional printing will be the best option for you because the slight premium you pay will directly reflect an increase in sales. On top of that, they are now offering a 10% Off Special Discount for your EDDM Orders with no minimum quantity.
Start your next marketing journey today and inquire with AK Prints now!